Retirement planning calculator

* Required fields

Date of birth *

Gender *

This will help us to estimate your insurance premiums.

What is your approximate gross annual salary? *

'Gross' annual salary is the total salary you earn from your employer before tax or other deductions are taken out.

What is your approximate total super balance? *

Enter your total super balance for all accounts you have with GESB and with other funds, except for Gold State Super.

This calculator has been designed to help you work out how long your super and retirement savings are likely to last. This means you will know whether you're on track to enjoy the kind of retirement lifestyle you'd like – and what you can do if you need to boost your retirement savings.

Please remember this calculator provides a projection only, based on certain assumptions. The more information you're able to provide, the more accurate your results are likely to be.

You will need

  • The amount of your current salary
  • The approximate value of your assets (which will appear as financial assets such as shares and bank accounts, and personal assets such as a boat, car or contents)
  • Details of your super account with us and any other super accounts, including your current balance
  • Your Gold State Super after-tax benefit, if you're a Gold State Super member
  • Your partner's details for all the items listed above, if you have a partner you would like to include in your calculations

Which GESB account do you have?

West State Super has been chosen as the default account for this calculator. Please check this is the account you have. Each account type listed below uses different calculations to get the results, so it's important you've selected the right account for you. See assumptions for details.

Do you have a Gold State Super account?

You could have a Gold State Super account if you joined GESB before 29 December 1995 and you applied for this type of account.

Do you have another super account (not with GESB)?

Do you make extra contributions to your super?

You might make salary sacrifice, after-tax or lump-sum contributions.

Are you planning a career break?

A career break is a period of time out from your job e.g. parental leave, study leave or travel.

Do you have a partner you would like to include in your retirement planning calculations?

Does your partner make extra contributions to their super?

They might make salary sacrifice, after-tax or lump-sum contributions.

Is your partner planning a career break?

A career break is a period of time out from their job e.g. parental leave, study leave or travel.
To estimate the amount of Age Pension you may be able to receive as part of your retirement income, it's important to let us know about other assets you have.

Do you own your own home?

This means you either own your home, or have a mortgage on your property.

Do you have any assets outside of super?

These assets could include shares, bank accounts, a car, a boat or rental property.

Which investment option is your West State Super invested in?

If you have never changed your investment plan, your super will be invested in our default plan which is selected below. You'll have the opportunity to see the impact of changing your investment plan as part of this calculator.
The level of investment risk shown is defined by the Standard Risk Measure.

At what age would you like to retire?

You can access your super once you reach your preservation age and stop working. If you are eligible and meet age requirements, you could also receive the Age Pension.

What income in today's dollars would you like in retirement? Not sure how much?

Based on today's dollars, a single person/couple needs approximately $44,000 (single); $60,000 (couple) per year for a comfortable retirement. A comfortable retirement means you can enjoy a good standard of living with enough to spend on leisure activities and household expenses.

Enter an amount in today's dollars which will be adjusted to include inflation, allowing you to better assess your future needs.

Do you want to include Age Pension in your retirement income?

The Age Pension provides income support to senior Australians who need it, subject to eligibility. Income and assets tests will determine how much you'll qualify for.

Do you want to use a transition to retirement strategy?

If you're eligible, you could use a transition to retirement strategy to access your super as an income stream while you're still working. For more information, see the transition to retirement section under assumptions.

What to do now?

It looks like you may need an extra $xxx to have your desired annual retirement income of $xxx last your entire estimated life expectancy.
You can use the options below to see how you could change your retirement income if you:
  • change your contributions
  • change your retirement age
  • change the amount of income you would like in retirement
  • update your retirement plans
  • change your investment plans

Page last updated 03 March 2025